Unlocking Opportunities
Elevate Your Business with PBG
Great savings with a fair management fee
Our fees are charged on rebates or on wholesaler spend, but only on the wholesaler spend of companies we work with unlike competitors who charge across all monthly spend. That means our interests are aligned as we only benefit when you do.
Keep the relationship with your wholesaler
We understand how valuable a direct relationship with your wholesaler is. Therefore PBG members continue to pay their wholesaler direct keeping the process simple and straight forward.
Flexibility to work with manufacturers
Some Buying Groups restrict you to using a small number of approved manufacturers. We have rebates terms with most of the major pharmaceutical firms and you have complete flexibility on who you choose to work with.
Easy-to-read statements
Our statements are clear and transparent. They breakdown manufacturer spend and rebates on a monthly basis and detail our management fees, making it easy for finance teams to understand.
Bespoke account management tools
It’s never been simpler to save. Keep track of your purchases and discounts with our bespoke breakdowns and reporting system; and use our Net Net Pricing Tool to search for the best prices on all products purchased from your wholesaler.
Access to a range of additional services
PBG doesn’t just offer the savings with pharmaceutical suppliers – we have also negotiated discounts with approved partners who supply outside your wholesaler, saving you even more money!